What is Bitcoin ?

Maybe this is not new to some people.
BitCoin ...

What is Bitcoin .... ????

Bitcoin is a new currency that was created in 2009 by unknown people using the named a.k.a Satoshi Nakamoto. Transactions are carried out without intermediaries, so that means there are no banks, no transaction fees and no need to provide your real name. More traders can start accepting them, you can buy webhosting services, purchase online or even other transactions.

Why use Bitcoin, What are the benefits of using Bitcoin...???

Bitcoins can be used to buy merchandise anonymously. In addition, international payments are easy and inexpensive because Bitcoins are not bound by the state or subject to regulations. Small businesses will benefit greatly from not being exposed to credit card tax (small taxes from bitcoin). Some people only buy bitcoins as an investment, because the value is fluctuating and now 1 BitCoin = 10 million rupiah in 2014 (January). Bitcoin is legal in some countries such as Singapore, and several other countries in Europe, many people have used Bitcoin, and it is almost impossible to stop bitcoin because there are too many users. Although later on in Indonesia a law about BitCoin has emerged that prohibits its use, as long as BitCoin is used / legalized in other countries it will not be a problem because we can still exchange it.

Bagaimana cara memulai menggunakan BitCoin...???
Akan saya bahas pada postingan berikutnya

How do I get started using BitCoin...???

I will write in the next post

How to get started using BitCoin => Step one

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