Autofaucet-Dutchycorp site is a site that provides income by means of Autofaucet. That means you start it up and claim automatically every few minutes. The site itself started online since 2018. Users can earn Dutchycoin, the platform's cryptocurrency, and exchange it for other cryptocurrencies or sell it on exchanges.
In the beginning to start earning Dutchy Coins on DutchyCorp, you need to register on the site and create a DutchyCoin Wallet. After creating your acount, you can earn Dutchycoins in a number of ways, including :
- Dutchy Roll
You can use Dutchycorp's faucet to earn Dutchycoins for free. The faucet refreshes every 20 minutes, and you can claim Dutchycoins each time it refreshes. - Coin Roll
You can get coins from one of the types of crypto currency provided with coin rolls. The types of crypto currency available will usually change according to the time determined by the system from DutchyCorps. The faucet refreshes every 20 minutes. - PTC Wall
Dutchycorp also offers a PTC (Pay-to-Click) section where you can earn Dutchycoins for clicking on ads. - OfferWalls
The Offer Wall is a section where you can earn Dutchycoins for completing offers such as surveys, website sign-ups and other types of tasks. - Shortlinks Wall
Another way to earn Dutchycoins at Dutchycorp is through Shortlinks. You need to click on the given link and wait until the counter ends to earn Dutchycoins. - SurfAds
Like PTC, but SurfAds is an ad serving that runs continuously from each ad that is displayed. - Micro-Tasks
- Space Bonus
- Games
- Staking
- Social Jobs
- CPU Miner
- GUI Miner
- Contest
- Level Bonuses
- Loyality Bonuses

To withdraw your coins, you can use Faucetpay or via Direct withdrawal according to the coins you want to withdraw. Like what I usually do is withdraw to Faucetpay account, because it can be transferred directly at a moment's notice and without fees.
The following is payment proof from DutchyCorp :

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